Marg's Marketing Minute For January 2023

January 13, 2023

Happy New Year to all!  We are excited to begin our 6th year in business and wanted to thank our clients, partners, affiliates, friends, and family for your support!  This year we are trying something new.  Hope you enjoy our quarterly marketing newsletter, "Marg's Marketing Minute". We will cover the latest trends in marketing for your small business as well as some fun stuff such as "Business Talk with Marg" and "Working Mom's Easy Meals." We are open to your feedback on what you want to hear from us because this Newsletter is for you!

Top 5 Marketing Trends For 2023

In order for your organization to succeed in this fast-moving word you always need to maintain a sense of relevance with your audience.  You need to always stay ahead of the game or your competitors will. Here are the top 5 Marketing Trends identified by HubSpot through their research study:

  1. Influencer marketing will evolve into a common marketing tactic.
  2. Collaborating with influencers and industry thought leaders will allow you to expand brand awareness and gain supporters from the influencer's own audience
  3. Video Marketers will keep content short.
  4. Shorter video formats align well with the fast-paced attention spans of online audiences. These will help you target a variety of demographics. This is why platforms like TikTok, Reels, and Snapchat have gained quick growth and marketing interest.
  5. Social Media will become a Customer Service Tool.
  6. More than a quarter of marketers use direct messages (DM's) to offer customer support.
  7. More businesses will develop an SEO strategy.
  8. It is important that our websites and content are as discoverable as possible on Google. Make sure you have an SEO Strategy in your Marketing Plan.
  9. Mobile optimization will be more important.
  10. As millennials and Gen Z audiences continue to grow buying power, mobile-optimized digital experiences will be even more vital to consider as a business owner who markets to these fast-paced, highly connected generations.

It is important that you as a business leader are open to change in this fast moving world.  We only touched on the top 5 trends.  There is so much more you can do to help your business grow.  We would love the opportunity to talk to you and share more information on how we can help you accelerate your business.  Learn more about us and feel free to schedule a FREE 60 minute consultation.

Create your 2023 Vision Board

A New Year means setting new goals and the perfect way to do so is to create a vision board that allows you to incorporate your business and personal goals all in one.  Here at MCA Consultants we all get together and spend an afternoon or evening creating our vision boards.  It is a great way for team building and focusing on how you can make your 2023 goals happen.

 This year we will be joining the Women's Business Connection and gathering with colleagues and friends on creating our vision boards.  Feel free to join us. Sign up today!

MCA Consultants Speaking Engagements

We started off the New Year by being a guest on My Coffee Connect's first Online Business Lecture Series.  In case you missed it, you can view the full recording below.

View Recording

Want to be a guest on "Business Talk with Marg"?

Would you like to be on "Business Talk with Marg"? Take this opportunity and start off 2023 right! Be our guest expert and share with us your tips to help with specific challenges that businesses are facing in today's environment.

This is a great opportunity for you to get your brand out there and repurpose the video on your Website and Social Media! We will tape each episode in a professional Video Production Studio (RIP Roarin Productions) in West Chester, PA.  

Take advantage of our Promotional Price of $399!  You can't find that deal anywhere! Please contact us today and book your time with us!

Working Mom's Easy Meals

Over the holidays my family and I love to make traditional desserts.  Here are some great recipes to save for next year's holidays!  Hope you enjoy them as much as we do!

Mom Filomena's Italian Cookies

Mom Filomena's Italian Cookies

Mom Olivia's Pressed Cookies

Mom Olivia's Pressed Cookies

Partner Spotlight

Through our partnership with Field 1 Post, we are able to utilize AI Technology and provide our clients with a unique, multi-channel marketing approach to helping you build and manage all components of your sales outreach campaigns.  Each of our channels fill a distinct purpose and include:

•LinkedIn Lead Generation
•Site re-targeting
•Display Ads
•GeoFencing Ads
•Pre-Roll Video Ads

Once you’re up and running, use our custom analytics dashboard to slice, dice and improve upon your campaign performance.

Client Review

"MCA Consulting Services has helped me greatly in reaching my target customers through social media and e-blasts! I highly recommend working with them!"

-Kristin Costin, Business Owner at The Jeweled Warrior

Learn More About The Jeweled Warrior

Why MCA Consultants?
We are known for our ability to capitalize on opportunities in untapped markets. MCA is laser focused on accelerating your business.