Learn How Goosehead Insurance Is able to Save you Money during the Pandemic

June 17, 2020

The COVID-19 Pandemic has caused Supply Chain problems that have resulted in groceries skyrocketing.  With many people still out of work we are doing our best to try to find ways to save money.  One of the things you can re-evaluate is your home and auto insurance policies. When was the last time you spoke to your insurance agent?  Have they been giving you the service they have promised you?  Have your rates been increasing year by year with no explanation?  Maybe now is the time to evaluate your insurance plan?  I had the pleasure of speaking with Jim Walker, Agency Owner and Broker of Goosehead Insurance.  Jim started his career as a recruiter always wanting to help people.  He decided to make a change and became an Insurance Broker.  After researching many companies, Goosehead was a good fit for Jim and the way he does business.  Goosehead is the fastest growing insurance company in the country.  There are three major differentiators that sets them apart from the rest of the insurance agencies out there.

Why Goosehead?

  1. Client Satisfaction Score is 97.8%.
  2. They have over 900 agencies nationwide.
  3. They offer clients complete, transparent access to over 80 carriers.

Jim started up his insurance business in December 2018.  He is a licensed broker in PA, NJ and DE.  He believes in being hands on with his clients.  Jim’s clients range from friends, family, and referrals.  Most of his business come from referrals, so you know he is doing something right.  The pandemic has not allowed Jim to visit face to face with his clients, but he keeps in contact with them over the phone, and through Zoom.  Jim is very honest with his clients.  He will review your current policy and tell you if you can do better or just stay where you are.   It doesn’t hurt you to re-evaluate your insurance policies. You can contact Jim through his website or email him at Jim.Walker@goosehead.com.

I hope this has been helpful to you.  Please continue to stay strong and stay safe as we begin to get back to a new normal. Would love to hear your stories on how your business is working through the pandemic. Contact me, would love to hear from you!

Margherita C. Amplo
President, MCA Consultants
Email:  Margherita@mcacs.us
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/margheritacamploconsulting/
Instagram:  instagram.com/mca_consultants
YouTube: MCA Consultants

Why MCA Consultants?
We are known for our ability to capitalize on opportunities in untapped markets. MCA is laser focused on accelerating your business.