Adapting to Digital Selling by using Digital Storytelling

September 13, 2021

We are learning newer ways of working to adapt to today's digital environment.  As Albert Einstein said, "In the midst of every crisis, lies great opportunity." The shift that we are having to make to remote selling can very well be that opportunity.  Have you thought about building that stronger digital sales organization?  You will need to focus on operational efficiencies.

In this environment, sales teams are losing in-person interactions. Sales can now gain long-term relationships by embracing change and making operational improvements to capture what has been lost in new ways. In looking back at previous economic disruptions, we see that businesses needed the right balance of defensive and offensive moves.  They found themselves in a stronger position when they come out the other side. Sales leaders need to look for more innovative ways to replace in-person interaction. Many of them are now embracing in digital storytelling.

In digital storytelling content is key.  It will provide sellers an effective way to continue to engage buyers virtually.  Some of the many tools used for digital storytelling are audio, video, art, graphics, photos, and words.  It is a mythological tool that allows us to exchange with potential clients.  To learn more on how your organization can use Digital Storytelling contact us.  We would love to share with you how we have utilized these tools with our clients and how we use it for ourselves.

Margherita C. Amplo
MCA Consulting Services, LLC.

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